South Borg - Cursed Land (in english)

 SOUTH BORG - Cursed Land 

by Bernardo Lima
in joint initiative with the brazilian podcast Brainstorm cast

Translated from portuguese by Guilherme Providelo
Ilustration in this post by Carlos Castilho @crawstilho

An open campaign of weird anticolonial horror

Cursed Land, or South Borg, is a nightmare reality formed by the sins and crimes of all the colonizers, slave owners, and brutal empires of the past and present. It is a continent of revenge and hatred, forged by the blood and suffering of those who were invaded, plundered, and exterminated in the past.

Nobody knows the true origin of this place. What is certain is that in the past, the arrival of colonizers, slave owners, and explorers of all kinds brought much suffering to this location.

The player characters came to South Borg by accident, or they are the children of those who first got lost here after the land was corrupted. They were not necessarily part of those who wanted to exploit this continent, but the nature of this land does not forgive invaders.

Their lives were transformed into a nightmare when they arrived here. A spiral of deprivation, pain, suffering, and death (or worse).

Will the characters try to escape and return to their homes? Will they fight just to survive another day? Will they embark on a journey to root out the evil from the land? Or will they perish in the suffering and darkness of these cursed lands?

The games will be initially conducted by Bernardo Lima and will always be called in a specific WhatsApp group for this purpose. They will normally take place on the Brainstorm RPG discord server in conjunction with Roll20. Those who want to participate in the game can contact the Brainstorm page on any social network.

We will not tolerate any kind of prejudice: racism, sexism, LGBT-phobia, xenophobia, etc. Our game is anticolonial and antifascist.

About rules:

The open table of South Borg will use many of the principles established in "safe haven campaigns". 1) Focused on exploration of wastelands and dungeons; 2) With one or a few "safe havens" - villages or camps where characters can safely return to; 3) Tables are scheduled based on the game master schedule and players fit according to availability (without fixed groups); 4) Rigorous control of the passage of time, supplies, and character equipment in the OSR style.

The campaign will be a hack of the OSR game Mörk Borg - - with a lot of other influences. The question that inspired the making of this game was: "What if Mörk Borg was less European? What if it looked more like Brazil, Peru, "Nuestra América"? What is a nightmare reality for someone in the Global South? What would a South Borg look like?"

Initially, the character sheet will be the same as Mörk Borg in Roll20, but without the classes, which are inadequate for our setting. The idea is to later change some things here and there as we see fit.

This campaign is ongoing and people can sign up for it by contacting us here or with Samuca on the Brainstorm Discord.

For now, only in portuguese.

Original in portuguese here.


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